Finding listening experiences in books
Enrico Daga  1@  , Enrico Motta  1@  
1 : The Open University


The Listening Experience Database Project (LED) is an initiative aimed at collecting accounts of people's private experiences of listening to music. Since 2012, the LED community explored a wide variety of sources, collecting over 10.000 unique experiences. In this work we take the case of supporting users on finding evidence of listening experiences in books. Particularly, we report on the approach that guided the development of a system that traverses the content of digitised texts in search for passages remarking a description of a musical event - an account of an experience of listening to music. We experimented with several approaches involving Statistical NLP and Machine Learning techniques and compared them against a curated gold standard. The best performing method has been used to develop a novel tool to support curators in discovering new listening experiences. FindLEr analyses the content of books for relevant paragraphs systematically, thus reducing significantly the cost of finding candidate listening experiences.
(extended, 1000 words, abstract can be found in the Appendix)

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