The Base of Knowledge in the field of humanities — a new tool to share data and information and to support research management
Jakub Koperwas  1@  , Łukasz Kobyliński  2@  , Jolanta Stepniak  3@  
1 : Politechnika Warszawska
2 : Instytut Podstaw Informatyki
3 : Sages Sp.z o.o.

The aim of the paper is to point the main directions of IT development to support the policy of open science (open research data) and open access in humanities. Omega-Psir is an open source tool generating the base of knowledge for effective management of research institutions (universities), dissemination of information and data, and for purposes of cooperation and sharing knowledge with others. Omega-Psir is the tool to create three kinds of systems in one: an institutional repository, the researchers profiling system and the system of researchers assessment and reporting for management (including reporting for governmental units). 

The unique idea of the system is to create and maintenance the Base of knowledge, with wide scope of data (publications, PhD thesis, project reports, achievements in professional activities - such as participation in editorial boards, conference committees, being spokesman or expert, author of technology or piece of art, project leader, etc.). All those data, together with the full text of publications, metadata of research data, external metrics and ontologies are used to create automatically researchers and units specialization profile. The profiling system is presented in visual form to improve the perception of information and by doing so acquire a better understanding of the profiles and area of expertise. User-friendly sharing documents and data functionalities offer additional benefits to increasing numbers of citations, and easier way to find teams and specialist for further cooperation. 

The system is compliant with OAI-PMH standards, so it could be indexed by the worldwide known archives of open access resources (ex. DOAR, DOAB, OAIster, etc.).The system communicates with the WoS and Scopus, as well as with Google Scholar - to import a number of citations and metrics (IF, Scopus CiteScore, Scopus SJR ), as well as for other data import. Communication to Sherpa-Romeo database provides information about the license policy of journals and publishers. Omega-Psir is also guaranteeing the author right to determine the policy of openness and type of license for shared data and documents. 

The research institutions with a humanistic profile, which implemented Omega-Psi software significantly improved visibility of achievements and cooperation with other researchers. Omega-Psir, Polish software implemented in over 20 research institutions (including University of Gdańsk and University of Opole) is still developing tools to offer broad access to research data, an important element of open science development.

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