Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities (ELDAH) WG Meeting
Walter Scholger  1, 2@  , Koraljka Kuzman Slogar  3, 4@  , Vanessa Hannesschläger  5@  
1 : University of Graz  (Uni Graz)  -  Website
8010, Universitätspl. 3, 8010 Graz -  Austria
2 : University of Graz
3 : Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research  (IEF)  -  Website
Šubićeva 42, 10000 Zagreb -  Croatia
4 : Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
5 : Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

DARIAH-EU promotes open access of methods, data and tools. But it also stands for a responsible conduct. As an infrastructure for Arts and Humanities researchers it will not be able to solve all issues arising in the quickly progressing domain of digital research. But with its new ethics and legal strategy it will contribute generally and especially wherever it concerns researchers from communities connected to DARIAH. This will lead to better access to tools and data for researchers as well as to guidelines and orientation for the conduct of their research. Policy makers will equally profit from the outputs of the working group as they will be facilitated with background information on issues related to the working group's topic.

The ELDAH WG has already produced material and held several workshops regarding legal issues and open licensing and intends to switch its focus towards ethical questions at this Working Group meeting.

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