Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage WG Meeting
Georgios Artopoulos  1@  
1 : The cyprus institute

The UDigiSH Working Group focuses on the study of Digital Methods and Good Practices of heritage and urban change, the impact of urban development on cultural heritage, the identity of the city and the role of civil society. This is planned to be the first physical meeting of the participants of the WG Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage. Meeting in person will accelerate interaction between the members of the group and will allow us to finalise a plan of action for the first year, the list of tasks for which will be compiled before arriving at the venue through a series of virtual meetings of the group on Zoom. The meeting will also enable us to agree on members' contribution based on availability and expertise. Coordination of activities at a local level, access to resources and sharing of tools will also be discussed during the meeting with the aim to facilitate and enable work for achieving the goals and objectives of the WG. Sub-group follow up meetings will be organised individually by various members to conduct on-site data collection/working sessions, which will be then integrated into the WG body of work.

Finally, this 1st meeting of the WG will give us the opportunity to introduce our activities, motivation and objectives to other DARIAH WGs and communities, as well as to familiarise ourselves with the parallel activities of the network and explore new collaborations and opportunities that will strengthen DARIAH communities and the network.

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